Why Study at the University of Portland?

Last updated: 28 May 2024 USA University Guide

The University of Portland is an exceptional choice for international students seeking a top-notch education in the United States. The university is well-regarded for its academic excellence, founded in 1901, and built a strong reputation among students. The university boasts a solid commitment to diversity and inclusivity, making it an inviting and supportive environment for students from all backgrounds. The university offers diverse academic programs across various disciplines, ensuring students can pursue their passions and interests while receiving a high-quality education. The faculty members at the University of Portland are renowned experts in their fields, dedicated to providing students with personalized attention and mentorship to help them succeed academically and professionally.

The university's beautiful campus in Portland, Oregon, uniquely blends natural beauty, urban convenience, and vibrant culture. With easy access to outdoor recreational activities, arts and entertainment venues, and a thriving food scene, students enjoy a rich and dynamic living experience that enhances their overall college experience.

The University of Portland's combination of academic excellence, supportive community, experiential learning opportunities, and vibrant campus life makes it an ideal choice for international students. Arrange a free consultation today to begin your journey.

why study at university of portland

Five Reasons to Choose the University of Portland

1. Experiential Learning Rooted in Ethics

International students at the University of Portland find an exceptional environment prioritizing engaged learning and experiential education deeply rooted in ethics. This commitment is a philosophy and a lived reality across academic programs. From business to engineering, humanities to health sciences, students are immersed in hands-on experiences that bridge theory with practice, fostering a profound understanding of their chosen fields. Whether through internships, research projects, service-learning initiatives, or immersive study abroad programs, students gain invaluable real-world skills while grappling with ethical considerations inherent to their disciplines.

The university's emphasis on ethical education sets it apart, offering international students a holistic learning experience beyond mere academic achievement. The University of Portland's dedication to preparing students for meaningful and purposeful lives resonates strongly with international students. In an increasingly interconnected world where ethical dilemmas abound, the university's emphasis on ethical leadership and social responsibility equips students with the tools to impact their communities positively and beyond. 

2. Commitment to Student Success

At the University of Portland, students benefit from an educational experience that meets and exceeds their expectations, backed by compelling statistics that underscore the institution's commitment to excellence. With an impressive 99% of students receiving financial aid or scholarships, the university ensures that financial barriers do not hinder access to a quality education. The assurance that 100% of classes are taught by experienced faculty, not graduate students, underscores the institution's dedication to providing students with the highest calibre of instruction. 

The emphasis on faculty-led teaching is further bolstered by a remarkable 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio, facilitating personalised attention and fostering meaningful connections between students and instructors. These numbers reflect the University of Portland's unwavering commitment to student success, ensuring that every student receives the support, resources, and attention they need to excel academically and achieve their goals. With such a strong emphasis on value and quality, it's no wonder that the University of Portland is a premier choice for students seeking a transformative educational experience.

3. Impactful Network of Alumni

At the University of Portland, students are not just part of a temporary community; they become lifelong members of a network that spans generations. The institution's robust alumni relations program fosters enduring connections beyond graduation day. Alumni, such as Nike co-founder Phil Knight, acclaimed author Cheryl Strayed, and former U.S. Ambassador to Uruguay Julissa Reynoso, exemplify the remarkable achievements of UP graduates and serve as inspirations to current students. 

Through mentorship programs, networking events, and alumni initiatives, students can tap into this vast reservoir of expertise and experience, gaining valuable insights and forging meaningful connections that extend well into their professional careers. The supportive and interconnected community enhances the overall student experience at the University of Portland. With such strong alumni connections, students at UP receive a world-class education and access to a lifetime of support, guidance, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

4. Enriching Campus Life

The University of Portland offers a vibrant campus life that enriches the college experience for students in numerous ways. With over 100 student clubs and organizations, including student government, cultural clubs, academic societies, and service-oriented groups, students can pursue their interests, develop leadership skills, and make meaningful connections with peers. Approximately 90% of UP students participate in at least one extracurricular activity on campus, highlighting the diverse and engaging nature of the university's extracurricular offerings. The university's location in Portland, Oregon, further enhances the college experience by providing students access to a dynamic city known for its arts and culture, outdoor recreational activities, and vibrant food scene. With numerous art galleries, theatres, music venues, and festivals, Portland offers rich cultural experiences that complement academic pursuits. 

The city's proximity to natural wonders such as the Columbia River Gorge, Mount Hood, and the Oregon Coast provides students with opportunities for outdoor adventures, hiking, skiing, and exploring the great Pacific Northwest. The vibrant campus life and the unique offerings of Portland, Oregon, create an enriching and fulfilling college experience for students at the University of Portland. Students have many opportunities for personal growth, cultural enrichment, and memorable experiences that will last a lifetime.

5. Top-Ranked Excellence

The University of Portland's impressive rankings in the US News and World Report and Times Higher Education solidify its position as a premier institution, making it a compelling choice for international students seeking a high-quality education. Ranked 2nd in Regional Universities West by the US News and World Report, the university's commitment to academic excellence is evident. Additionally, being ranked 6th in Best Value Schools underscores its dedication to providing students with exceptional education at an affordable cost, a factor particularly appealing to international students navigating financial considerations. 

Even globally, the university maintains a reputable standing, ranking 187th in the Times Higher Education rankings. For international students, these rankings serve as a testament to the university's academic rigor, supportive environment, and value-driven education, making the University of Portland an attractive destination for those seeking a world-class education in the United States.

Study at the University of Portland

If you want to learn more about studying in the USA at Portland University, book a free consultation with SI-UK today.

Universities featured in this article:

  • University of Portland
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